What its all about
For over a decade I’ve been looking for a modern replacement for what I always felt like was the perfect wiki: OpenWiki by Laurens Pit.
Finally, in the vacuum of a decent solution, I decided to create my own, first in ASP.net for the management of the NetworkDLS.com website then more recently porting to ASP.NET Core sitting on top of SQL Server.
The principals were clear:
- You should be able to create, edit, and link pages just by typing their names and have the engine create the linked pages if they don’t exist.
- This enables a kind of lazy “fill-it-in-later” documentation format that I am most comfortable with and which I’ve seen readily utilized on various teams that I’ve managed.
- Pages should be searchable.
- Table of contents and glossaries should be built in and completely built for you.
- Pages should be taggable to create logical groups.
- Files should be attached to pages.
- All content should be versioned, and changes easily reverted.
- You should be able to identify who made a change.
Thanks Laurens for all the good years, you were a major motivator!